Privacy Policy and Terms of Service

Effective Date: January 1, 2024

Welcome to Venture, an online learning platform powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI).

1. Introduction

Venture is a groundbreaking platform dedicated to revolutionizing homeschooling through the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Venture offers a personalized learning experience tailored to each student's unique needs. This Privacy Policy and Terms of Service (the "Agreement") outlines the terms and conditions under which you may access our platform (the "Service"). By using the Service, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to this Agreement.

At Venture, we strive to provide the best possible products and services to our customers. However, due to the finality of our sales transactions, no refunds will be issued under any circumstances. This policy is in place to ensure a smooth and efficient transaction process for both our company and our valued customers.

We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, and we encourage you to carefully review the products or services you are purchasing before completing your transaction. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team, who will be more than happy to assist you.

By proceeding with a purchase on Venture's website, you acknowledge and agree to this all sales are final and no refunds will be issued policy.

2. Personal Information

We collect personal information from users when they sign up for an account or interact with the Service. This information may include your name, email address, and other information. We use this information to provide and improve our personalized learning experience. By using Venture, you consent to the collection, storage, and processing of your personal data in accordance with this Agreement.

3. Moderation of Responses

While we have implemented measures to help moderate responses on the platform, we cannot be held liable for any information provided by users or AI-generated content. The information available on Venture is intended for educational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice or a substitute for expert guidance. You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for your actions and decisions based on the information obtained from Venture.

4. Release from Legal Liability

By signing up for our website, you agree to resolve any disputes arising from your use of the Service through binding arbitration, not litigation. You waive the right to a jury trial and class action lawsuits. This arbitration agreement applies to all claims, including but not limited to claims of breach of contract, warranty, tort, and intellectual property infringement. However, this arbitration agreement does not apply to claims of intentional misconduct or gross negligence by Venture. By signing up, you waive the right to pursue legal action or litigation against our business (Venture, its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, and partners).

Venture is the ultimate decider on how the arbitration is handled and will do so in the best interest of both parties.

5. Limitation of Liability

In no event will Venture be liable for any incidental, special, indirect, consequential, punitive, or exemplary damages (including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, loss of revenue, lost business opportunities, lost profits, or unjust enrichment) arising from your access to or use of the Service. You acknowledge that you use Venture at your own risk and assume full responsibility for any consequences resulting from your actions based on the information obtained from Venture.

6. Termination and Modification

Venture reserves the right to terminate your account at any time without notice if we determine that you have violated this Agreement or engaged in activities that threaten the integrity of the platform. Venture also reserves the right to modify this Agreement at any time, effective immediately upon posting on our website. Your continued use of the Service after such modifications will constitute your acceptance and agreement to the updated terms. If you do not agree with the modified terms, you must discontinue using Venture.

7. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction where Venture is headquartered (Connecticut). Any disputes arising from this Agreement shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the rules of the same jurisdiction. You acknowledge that you submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the said jurisdiction for any legal proceedings related to your use of Venture.

8. Entire Agreement

This Agreement represents the entire understanding between you and Venture regarding your use of the Service, and supersedes all prior agreements, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter hereof. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be void or unenforceable, that provision shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as not to affect the overall purpose and intent of this Agreement.

By signing up for Venture, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.